Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Electric vehicle chargepoints explained
Although the upfront cost of an electric vehicle is often higher, EVs can be cheaper to run, due to the lower cost of electricity compared to petrol or diesel. Recharging at home (overnight) will normally result in the greatest cost savings.
Chargepoints can be installed in homes with a garage or driveway, at workplaces, on residential streets, in town centres, public car parks and at destinations, such as shopping centres or motorway service stations.
Types of chargepoints
Charge time (from empty to 80% charge of a 60kWh battery)
Slow (3kW) 8 hours or more
Fast (7-22kW) 4-8 hours
Rapid (50kW) 1-3 hours
Installing a chargepoint
The Electric Vehicle Consumer Code for Home Chargepoints (EVCC) aims to give consumers the confidence to install a charger at home, and ensure that manufacturers, suppliers and installers consistently deliver the highest quality of work. Find out more about EVCC, as well as its members, at www.electric-vehicle.org.uk.
If you’re planning to install an EV chargepoint at home, you need to register the energy device with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO). The DNO is the company responsible for bringing electricity to your home. We will take care of all the paperwork and register the device for you.
On-street charging
If you don’t have off-street parking, charging an EV near your home is more challenging.
The On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme gives local authorities access to a funding pot for on-street chargepoints in areas without off-street parking.
Only local authorities can apply for this type of funding, but you can ask your local council to consider installing a chargepoint near your home. This may help the council to forecast demand for chargepoints and decide the best locations.
An alternative is to charge your electric car at work. Businesses and public-sector organisations can apply for funding for chargepoints through the Workplace Charging Scheme.

What is a wallbox?
Wallbox is the industry term for a purpose-made EV charger fitted at your home or place of work. Usually these are fitted to the external wall of your house or garage but can also be fitted internally in a garage or mounted on a free-standing post.
The benefit of these standalone chargers is that they will charge an EV far faster than a standard domestic plug socket - up to three times faster. They are also weatherproof and a far neater solution than trailing a cable out of a garage door or window.
What Maintenance will my EV Charger require
Very Little maintenance, home installations are covered by the manufacturer's warranty and our team are here to help you through any problems or questions. All businesses and organisations benefit from both the standard warranty and support plus service agreements, keeping them covered and supplying everything they need to keep their EV network functioning safely and effectively.
We recommend a 24 months – Inspection
Electrical condition inspection, covering:
RCD operation
General wiring checks
General clean of unit
Operational check

Tethered vs Untethered
A tethered EV charger has a cable built into the charge box, eradicating the need for you to plug a cable into the box and then into your car. Tethered wallbox chargers are, in some ways, more convenient than untethered boxes, so this is the style most buyers go for. It means you don’t have to find your cable to be able to charge up – you just arrive home, park next to the box, unwind the cable and plug in. There is a possibility that by choosing a tethered charger you could end up with a box that you can’t use. It seems unlikely that anything other than Type 2 will be the norm in the future. You’ll also have to make sure you wind the cable back up and store it neatly, otherwise you risk driving over it or damaging it in some other way. You might also need a longer cable in the future, for example if you buy a car with the charging port in a different place.
An untethered EV charger has no cable built into the charge box, so you need to plug a charging cable into the box and then into your car. Untethered wallbox chargers require you to connect your own cable to use them. Most cars come with this as standard, but sometimes it’s an optional extra and can cost hundreds to replace if you lose it. It’s more inconvenient than a tethered charger because every time you arrive home, you’ll need to open the boot, or wherever the cables are stored in the car, get them out and plug in at both ends. Then you have to do the reverse when you set off. However, without a cable, untethered units look a bit tidier on your driveway, and you can purchase cables of different lengths as required. They’re also the best way of future-proofing your charger, as you can simply upgrade the plug configuration when you need to.